Bioplastics Coffee Workshop

Coffee biomaterials laboratory

A workshop for the public to learn how to reuse their coffee waste in useful and creative ways by making DIY bioplastic objects and materials from 100% natural materials.

Duration: 1h30 – 2h

Material: all inclusive

Level: basic, no experience

What does the workshop is about?

The goal  of the laboratory is learn how tomake bioplastics from coffee gorunds, as well as show the many possibilities that this new materialoffers and the advantages it has in replacing other synthetic materials, in order to design and implement new sustainable solutions focused on the real needs of people and the planet.

At the end you will be given a bioplastic diploma, as well as a sample of bioplastic made during the workshop.

Several materials processed from different organic residues and their possible applications will also be shown during the training.

In addition, participants will have the opportunity to purchase the Biomaterials Re-fè Kit, at a special discount, to share with others the experience of creating a new material from coffee or simply repeat the process and follow up with investigations.

We are planning the next workshops! Come back and see us for updates on upcoming dates 😉

Want to organize a workshop in your space?

Do you have a creative space, an extracurricular activity space, a school, a coworking space… and want to organize a workshop on biomaterials? Contact us and we will go wherever you want!

We train from children to adults to raise awareness and realize a more sustainable present together 🙂