
The most important milestones worth telling, from moment zero.

Team Re-fè 1-min

July 2021

Federico and Gilberto Girotto struggle with the problem of properly recycling coffee capsules consumed by their parents. After lengthy discussions between them and some friends, they develop the idea of a tool to help do-it-yourself disposal.

December 2021

After months of design, testing, and prototyping, we communicate the product on personal social channels and distribute the first 50 prototypes to the public for testing. Some newspapers and radio stations talk about us.

Re-fè Original Animato
Produzione Re-fè 2-min

April 2022

We create a collaborative network with local partners and companies for waste production and recycling, including Filoalfa, Fluire Atelab, and Superforma. We become part of the Manifattura Milano community.

June 2022

We hold our first educational lectures on circular entrepreneurship in some school classes.

Educazione Re-fè
Re-fè Original

August 2022

Re-fè becomes an officially registered trademark at the European level. We publish our new identity and website.

November 2022

First place in “Creativity Startup 2022” promoted by “Treviso Creativity Week 2022.” We take home three awards.

Treviso creativity Week Startup 2022 Re-fè
CinCir Apertitivo Circolare Re-fè Evento 6

December 2022

We are launched the distributed event format CinCir – Cirsular Aperitif. We invite guests such as Too Goo To Go, Slowear, Alisea to create informal moments of networking and sharing on circular economy, sustainability and innovation.

February 2023

We participate in the Milano Circolare event among the 100 selected entities engaged in circular economy projects.

Milano Circolare Re-fè

October 2023

We launched Re-fè TWIST, the versatile and lightweight capsule opener tool for separating and recycling even plastic capsules.

Any doubts? Let's try to answer them.

Re-fè was created to raise awareness of food and packaging waste through attractive and environmentally friendly design tools, educational programs, and campaigns aimed at promoting product circularity and new opportunities toward a more sustainable future. Recycling and up-cycling are easier than drinking coffee!

Created from an internal brainstorming, we wanted the name “Re-fè” to communicate the idea behind the tool and the project, which was simple, playful, and memorable at the same time We combined the English word “Recycle”, globally understandable by anyone in such an important context as recycling, and the Italian word “Caffè”, whose culture and quality are recognized and loved by Italians as much as by the entire world, in a context of made in Italy, just like our project. This is how Re-fè was born!

A circular economy is a term that defines an economic system designed to be able to regenerate itself, thus guaranteeing its eco-sustainability as well. A production and consumption model that incorporates reusing, repairing, reconditioning, and recycling existing resources and products for as long as possible. At Re-fè, we design our products and services on the key of circular economy, applying the values of re-use, repair, reconditioning, and recycling of raw materials.

Re-fè was born from the need to separate aluminum capsules from coffee grounds so that the single components could be recycled and reused easily, quickly, and effortlessly. As a result, the project to design a functional and aesthetically pleasing tool was born.
The idea was born from a year of research and do-it-yourself prototyping by combining the knowledge and skills of four young creatives specializing in design, communication, engineering, and sustainability.